Monday, 23 June 2014

Bank Holidays & Paleo - Neils Blog - Part 4

So more news from the Farley camp......

We all went training as a family on the recent bank holiday and once again (as they usually do on bank holidays) Connect opened up the classes to over 30 people and by using expert programming made it a team WOD that everybody could enjoy.

Plenty of room at Connect for some big Team events!
Team WODs are always great fun and this was no exception. It did have a downside as my team got beaten by Sarah's team and Madi's team but Sarah did manage to hit herself in the head with a 10kg plate whilst beating me so not all bad!  Haha! (I might be going to pay for that later ...!)

The fact that we can all go together makes training easier and even though my son Leo is only four and obviously too young to take part he is always made to feel welcome and loves coming down with us. He gets to swing on the rings and he loves the punch bag but I think his favourite is the chalk bucket!

Away from the training, Sarah has also started what is called the 30-Day Paleo challenge. This again is something that Connect offers and is an excellent support to fitness and health. It’s run by Barney and Holly who created Caveman Snacks and PlanP (check them out on Facebook and Twitter) and every six months or so we are invited to commit to a 30 day strict Paleo eating plan.

If you have never heard of Paleo, it is a 'modern nutritional eating plan based on the diet of Paleolithic humans'. It is also referred to as the caveman diet and avoids refined/processed foods and any that are perceived to be agricultural products. Basically you can eat what cavemen used to be able to hunt or gather. a great resource and place to start learning about this is on Marks Daily Apple.

The 30 day challenge results are amazing. The first time I tried it I lost 7kg and 3in off my waist. An astonishing result in just 30 days. I also had more energy and felt great. I can't recommend this highly enough. We have followed Paleo since starting at Connect but it’s always good to strip it back every now and again and do this challenge in its entirety.

I know we have posted this before but its always good to see the change Neil has made!
CrossFit sometimes gets some bad press; people slate it for bad coaching, poor form and high injury rates. I'll agree that there are some poor quality coaches out there who tend to teach weight over technique and if you search YouTube you will see some horror stories. This is not true of Connect. Our coaches are second-to-none with years of experience and the one thing they all tell you is technique, technique, technique! They always have three different scales to the workout too (Health, Fitness and Performance) so you can choose exactly the right difficulty level for your current level of ability or fitness. Along with the normal CrossFit classes they offer Olympic lifting classes, gymnastic classes, mobility classes and barbell classes too to ensure everyone can develop the essential skills that make CrossFit so damn fun!

With 3 different WOD options each day we always scale you to your current
abilities to ensure safety and the fastest progress.

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