Thursday, 24 May 2012

Bank Holiday Class Timetable Changes

With quite a few things going on over the coming Jubilee bank holiday weekend we have had to make a few changes to the class timetable. All of these changes are reflected on the MindBody booking system and you just book in as usual but i thought it good to outline them here.

Friday 1st June -     - 1pm and 6pm WOD classes cancelled. Morning as usual.

Saturday 2nd June  - Open Gym... 10-12pm
Sunday 3rd June     - Open Gym.... 10-12pm

Karen (my wife) has kindly said she will man (or woman!) the box for us whilst myself, Holly and George are up in Birmingham being judges for the Reebok CrossFit Championships. There will be no formal WOD classes but we will write a WOD up on the board and you can come down and do this as you please. Treat it as an open gym session and perhaps catch up on something you need to practice or work on. Karen is not a CrossFit coach so wont be able to offer any lifting advice although she has trained a little herself so might be able to help with the basic movements.

Monday 4th June - Closed

Tuesday 5th June - 7am - WOD class
                                8-10am - Open Gym
                                Evening classes all the same.

So Tuesday is all the same with the addition of an Open Gym session between 8-10am as most of you will be off work and we wanted to give you the option of coming down earlier in the day.

Sorry to be a pain and have so many changes but we were asked to participate in the Reebok Championships and thought it would be a good opportunity for us and the box to network and meet others from the CrossFit hierachy.

If you have any questions, just shout and I will put the times up on the board at the box too.

Cheers evereyone.

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