We have seen articles appearing more and more frequently in magazines such as Runners World, Mens Health, Mens Fitness and Red magazine over the last few months but nothing as broadly readable as this.
It will be interesting to see how many people are persuaded to give it a try through advertising such as this. We know that up until now CrossFit really has been spread through word of mouth and to be honest that is still in my mind the best way for it to grow. There is nothing like a glowing report from a friend (or their complete change in shape, strength and fitness!) to make others want to get down to a box and try it out. However, as a business owner and from a coaches perspective the more people we can help get fitter and stronger the better. This is where Reeboks advertising millions are going to come into play. Although i think they have got to be careful how they brand it over here. I'm sure that some of the 'Elite' slant that the adverts in America have got just wouldn't go down well in the UK. We are a different breed of people and will need a different type of advertising. Anyway, I'm sure Reebok know that!
The one thing that is important in CrossFits growth is its roots. As box owners we must realise what people fell in love with in the first place and keep its traditions. People came to us because they wanted something different. They wanted a bit of 'spit and sawdust' as the article says. They wanted a programme that worked and they actually enjoyed doing. And as a side product they got a community that supported their every rep and made things that seemed impossible possible. A box has to maintain this over traditional big chain gyms despite the growing numbers of people getting involved in CrossFit. This comes down to us as box owners. We've gotta keep it real as our friends in the States might say.
Yes, it might seem to some that have been involved for a long time that CrossFit is 'selling out' but this doesn't have to be the case. You can still keep the feel of CrossFit alive in your box even though more people will become involved by keeping class sizes small and just putting on more classes. If you are scared that it might become watered down because more and more people are scaling things and not doing it as Rxd then you must remember where you began your CrossFit journey. Did you Rx everything first time out? No, probably not. The people that are scaling things now wont be in 6 months to a year if they stick with it. Today's scalers are tomorrows firebreathers! If something truly is that great and fantastic then its not going to stay hidden for long. CrossFit was never going to stay underground because it works. And if it works, more and more people are going to want to do it. Embrace this. It just means more people to pit your 'Fran' time against!
We will ensure that the ethos of CrossFit Connect wont change. The programming, training, spirit, friendliness and community will stay the same no matter how many people come through the doors. Sure, its dynamics will change as you have more people to share your workouts with but you will always know what you are going to get from your coaches and we will endeavour to keep the feel of the place no matter what happens in the future.
If you want to come down and be part of this then give us a call or get in touch via the website. The revolution is upon us it seems.............................
See The Times newspaper or the online version (you have to sign up) to read in more detail
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