Tuesday, 28 February 2012

CrossFit Goes National with Reebok and The Times.

We all knew it was coming but to be honest didn't quite know when, where or how Reebok were going to start investing in CrossFit over here in the UK. We have seen the glossy, high end adverts that they have released in the States (see earlier blog posts here or YouTube if you havent seen these yet) but didn't know how they would go about it on our own turf. Well, here you go...the first piece of real mainstream 'Reebok' branded CrossFit advertising. And a centre page spread in The Times newspaper no less.

We have seen articles appearing more and more frequently in magazines such as Runners World, Mens Health, Mens Fitness and Red magazine over the last few months but nothing as broadly readable as this.

It will be interesting to see how many people are persuaded to give it a try through advertising such as this. We know that up until now CrossFit really has been spread through word of mouth and to be honest that is still in my mind the best way for it to grow. There is nothing like a glowing report from a friend (or their complete change in shape, strength and fitness!) to make others want to get down to a box and try it out. However, as a business owner and from a coaches perspective the more people we can help get fitter and stronger the better. This is where Reeboks advertising millions are going to come into play. Although i think they have got to be careful how they brand it over here. I'm sure that some of the 'Elite' slant that the adverts in America have got just wouldn't go down well in the UK. We are a different breed of people and will need a different type of advertising. Anyway, I'm sure Reebok know that!

The one thing that is important in CrossFits growth is its roots. As box owners we must realise what people fell in love with in the first place and keep its traditions. People came to us because they wanted something different. They wanted a bit of 'spit and sawdust' as the article says. They wanted a programme that worked and they actually enjoyed doing. And as a side product they got a community that supported their every rep and made things that seemed impossible possible. A box has to maintain this over traditional big chain gyms despite the growing numbers of people getting involved in CrossFit. This comes down to us as box owners. We've gotta keep it real as our friends in the States might say.

Yes, it might seem to some that have been involved for a long time that CrossFit is 'selling out' but this doesn't have to be the case. You can still keep the feel of CrossFit alive in your box even though more people will become involved by keeping class sizes small and just putting on more classes. If you are scared that it might become watered down because more and more people are scaling things and not doing it as Rxd then you must remember where you began your CrossFit journey. Did you Rx everything first time out? No, probably not. The people that are scaling things now wont be in 6 months to a year if they stick with it. Today's scalers are tomorrows firebreathers! If something truly is that great and fantastic then its not going to stay hidden for long. CrossFit was never going to stay underground because it works. And if it works, more and more people are going to want to do it. Embrace this. It just means more people to pit your 'Fran' time against!

We will ensure that the ethos of CrossFit Connect wont change. The programming, training, spirit, friendliness and community will stay the same no matter how many people come through the doors. Sure, its dynamics will change as you have more people to share your workouts with but you will always know what you are going to get from your coaches and we will endeavour to keep the feel of the place no matter what happens in the future.

If you want to come down and be part of this then give us a call or get in touch via the website. The revolution is upon us it seems.............................

See The Times newspaper or the online version (you have to sign up) to read in more detail

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

The 2012 Reebok CrossFit Games

Its almost here.......................the 2012 Reebok CrossFit Games starts tomorrow, although technically Thursday for us Brits due to the time difference.

So far there are over 46,000 individual people signed up to take on the WODs! Thats more than double last year and a phenomenal amount of people to pit your skills against. And seeing as you have till Sunday to sign up im sure there are going to be even more.

Starting tomorrow, 5 WODs (workouts) will be released over 5 weeks and you will have from Wednesday to Sunday to complete each one, judged by a qualified CrossFit Coach. These scores then get entered into the database and you can see how you stack up against the rest of the world. Time for some humbling me thinks!

Then the top 60 men and women and the top 30 teams from each region (Europe, Australasia and lots in America and Canada etc) qualify for the regionals, which for Europe are held in Copenhagen this year. Then its the top 3 in each region that go through to the final games in California in July. Thats a hell of a lot of competition. Lets just say I'm not booking my flights over there just yet!

We've had an amazing response from our members so far to take part in this beast and 18 of them have signed up so far. Why bother you might think if you are never going to get anywhere near the top? Heres why:

Knowing that you are posting a score against all those other registered people will undoubtedly make you push harder and keep going for longer than you would normally. You know that you will leave nothing in the tank during these WODs and that the spirit and camaraderie of competing will push you further than you thought possible. New records are going to be set along the way and you may just feel a little proud of yourself when you've finished! We can scale the WODs for those that need to so dont worry about being fit enough or strong enough. Taking part in something like this is what CrossFit is all about.

Its going to be great to have a little competition amongst the members of our box and with some quickly rising stars amongst our members the coaches are going to have to start looking over their shoulders too! I cant wait. We will keep a running scoreboard up at the gym for everyone who is signed up.

If you want more info on the games then click here. You can also sign up using this link and for £6 why not get involved in what is going to be a great 5 weeks. If you train at CrossFit Connect then make sure you put us as your gym and i can then add you to our team roster.

Want a little more motivation and some footage of the big players in action?

For more info on CrossFit Connect and how to get started see our website or give us a call using the numbers to the right of this page. We'll happily introduce you to the concepts of CrossFit and how to come down and have a free taster class on us.

Get involved people.....this time next year EVERYONE is going to have heard about CrossFit!

Thursday, 16 February 2012

The SicFit London Throwdown - Feb 2012

Wow! What an amazing weekend we just had! Tom from CrossFit Bold and Jack and Sarah from In2CrossFit Clapham organised what was quite possibly the biggest CrossFit competition to be held in Europe to date. Brunel University was turned in to a huge arena of CrossFit equipment, apparel, competitors and fans for the SicFit London Throwdown, a 5 WOD event spread over two days for individuals and teams.

Having never organised something of this scale before the guys (plus all the volunteer judges and helpers) put on an incredible show that really showcased the growing popularity and community atmosphere of CrossFit here in the UK. Boxes from all over the country and indeed the world, got to meet, hang out, swap stories, cheer each other on and of course buy lots of indulgent toys, footwear and equipment that we dont really need but must have because they look cool and we're convinced will knock a minute off of our next 'Fran' time! ;)

CrossFit Connect entered a team into competition for the first time, having qualified via the 3 online qualifying WODs back in Nov/Dec and as our first ever event we were amped and nervous in equal measure. Alongside box owners Holly, Barney and myself (Dave) we recruited George and Lina into our ranks to make up our 3 guy, 2 girl team. And what a show those guys put on. With much less CrossFit experience than ourselves Lina and George shone throughout the competition and more than held their own against some of Europes best CrossFitters. A grand job indeed.

The WODs consisted of:

WOD 1:
3 minutes on each station:
Max weight Ground To Overhead
Max distance row
7 x dumbell press (20kg/15kg) + 7 x box jumps (30"/24") - as many rounds of
Sandbag Bear complex (30kg/18kg) - as many rounds of
Toes thru rings (with 10 x squat penalty everytime you dropped off)

WOD 2:
10 minutes on the clock:
Perform as many Power Snatches as possible with increasing bar hop burpees on the minute every minute. (1,2,3 etc on minutes 1,2,3 etc)
(100 rep aim) (42kg/25kg)

WOD 3:
3 minutes max rep deadlifts (90kg/60kg) then straight into:
2 mins max rep double unders (skips)

It certainly put us through our paces! In between our team events we got to watch the individual mens and womens events and it was amazing to see just what level of CrossFitter there is in the UK (plus a sprinkling from Europe and the States). Having watched the guys blast through the Snatch event with some of them finishing all 100 reps it was then a direct comparison for when we went up, grabbed the bar and waited for the 3,2,1...go! We werent close to 100 i can tell you! Well I wasnt at least!

Our hope before the competition began was to make the top 20 cut so that we could make it into event 4. Which we did by finishing in 16th place. We've never been so happy to take on 'Fran'!

WOD 4:
Team 'Fran'
100-75-50 reps of Thrusters then Pull ups (42.5kg/30kg)
Reps divided between the team.

By this point we were all so stoked at having made the cut we went all out with adrenaline surging through our veins and a desire to clock the best time we physically could. We finished 3rd in our heat of 6th and 12th  overall with our time of 14.51. We were done......utterly shattered after a long weekend and proud of ourselves for leaving nothing else in the tank. The spirit and euphoria we felt at coming through that together was immense. Wanting to do nothing more than collapse in a heap on the floor after 'Fran' we still managed to do what the CrossFit community is known so well for and crawl over to cheer on the teams that had yet to finish. I think this is one of the nicest things about CrossFit, the fact that the people that finish last (and its got to be someone, right?) get a bigger cheer for finishing than the people that finish first.

There was one more event to go for the top 6 teams and the top 10 men and women and it was a suitably nasty 'chipper' WOD that involved more rowing, box jumps, deadlifts, snatches and sledge pulls among other things. We are set to recreate this WOD at the box in the near future seeing as we didnt get a chance to give it a crack!

So all in all, a great weekend. Thanks for Tom, Jack and Sarah for putting it all on. Thanks to all the volunteers and judges for giving up their time to keep things running smoothly. And thanks to the UK CrossFit community for being such a cool bunch of people and a great scene to be involved in. Its only going to go from strength to strength with more events like this one. A big thank you to all of the guys from the box for coming up and supporting us too. Great to have you cheering on from the sidelines and i hope you enjoyed the experience too. And of course a massive thank you to Nero who has become our box photographer and took some amazing shots of us all in some great and ..err.. not so great poses!! Cheers buddy.

And lastly a big well done to George and Lina who were slightly nervous about being part of the team before the event but needn't have been with an amazing show of strength and skill. I hope this inspires some more of our members to sign up to events with us and really push their training to a new level. As a relatively new box we were very happy to finish in 16th place overall out of 34 teams. Considering the level of athlete and the fact that the winning team, Butchers Garage from Denmark, competed in the Reebok CrossFit Games in California last year, i dont think we did too badly. :) For a full list of standings and scores see the WODTime scoreboard.

For more photos and videos from the event and for more information on CrossFit Connect or how you can become involved see our Facebook page here or check out our website here for all the information you could ever need! Although this competition was open to everyone the abilities of athletes competing over the weekend was high. Dont let this put you off as CrossFit is universally scalable and suitable for everyone right down to the beginner. All you need to start is the desire to change. Everything can be learnt in our small group classes and with a bit of dedication things you thought previously impossible can become possible. CrossFit changes peoples lives. Strong words. But true in many cases.

For anyone that is interested, the Open qualifying events for this years Reebok Games in California start on February 22nd. For £6 you can sign up here, WOD at our box and see how you compare to the other 3600 CrossFit boxes signed up so far!!!

Thursday, 9 February 2012

4 Week Fitness and Nutrition Fast Track Package

First up, to grab your attention! Take two minutes of your day to watch the video below.

Now doesnt that look fun?!

We are pleased to announce the arrival of our 4-week fast track package (we really don't want to use the term 'bootcamp'!). Starting on April 3rd 2012 we will be holding a 4-week intensive course designed to offer you the quickest way to move better, feel better, eat better and look better!

There will be 3 sessions a week at CrossFit Connect in a 'closed class' environment. This means everyone who starts the course will be training and learning with the same people every class. We feel this is key in developing bonds that will push you through the training sessions. 

You will receive as part of the course:

* 3 x 1 hour sessions a week at CrossFit Connect where you will be instructed by professional and experienced coaches in the exercises that give you the best and most impressive results.

* Our CrossFit Intro Programme (valued at £80) which will allow you to continue training at CrossFit Connect after the 4-weeks have finished. (Click here for more info on the Intro Course).

* A 'Plan P' paleo diet handbook and meal planner designed by our 3 AA Rosette winning in-house chef.

* Fitness and body measurements taken at the beginning and end of the course.

* Access to one other regular scheduled class on the CrossFit Connect timetable.

* Social media and text support throughout the programme. (Click here for our Facebook page).

We have a great waterside location near to Hove lagoon

So why should you take up this offer rather than any of the other fitness packages that are found with a quick search on the internet? I can think of a few:

1) As coaches we live for what we do. Training and CrossFit is a lifestyle choice and we would be doing it even if it wasnt our job. This comes across in the level of care, instruction and knowledge we impart to you. We care about your results and truly want to see you achieve.

2) If you want to learn to lift weights properly then why not learn from World and European Masters Olympic Lifting champion Holly. Not too many people can say they have been coached by a World champion!

3) Lifting the foundational weights movements like the deadlift, squat and press will get you results quicker than endless reps on boring, static machines due to the much increased hormone boost you get from these exercises.

4) We play around with gymnastics movements such as pull ups, handstands, press ups and work on the Olympic rings. You only have to look at a gymnasts physique to see what bodyweight training can do to your body. Plus, its fun!

5) The paleo way of eating has been gaining much press recently as people begin to realise that this is a very healthy and sustainable way to eat. Its not a 'diet' but a change of thought when it comes to what you put on your plate. In essence its means eating meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. When you start cutting out the excess starchy carbs from your diet (potatoes, bread, pasta etc) your body turns to fat as a fuel source rather than its excess store of carbs. Your excess fat stores start disappearing. You get lean! Now paleo is not a 'low carb' diet that many people think. You still eat plenty of carbs, its just that they come from different sources than normal. You can never have enough vegetables!
 And who better to learn this from than our own paleo chef and owner of Caveman Snacks and the Caveman cafe. You will receive a 14 day breakfast, lunch and dinner meal plan to ensure you are never stuck with what to eat.

6) Perhaps most importantly; value for money. With our small group class you will be receiving one to one instruction every session. Although not strictly personal training you will still receive our one to one attention in every lift you do. So 12 hours of coaching, plus all of the above, for the cost of 3 hours of personal training sessions elsewhere in Brighton and Hove. We think that's good value.

7) With CrossFit going huge in 2012 with its association with Reebok it is a great time to get involved. With regular column inches in Mens Health, Runners World, Mens Fitness, Red and Health and Fitness magazines the wider fitness community is really starting to catch onto the idea and benefits of CrossFit training. If you need more convincing how highly Reebok rate CrossFit and its impact its going to have on the fitness industry take a look at the video below. Intriguing stuff eh?!

So lets get to the fine print! If you are still with me that means you have been intrigued enough to read to this point and might be ready to make a change to your health and fitness. Either that or you just like my witty writing style? Okay, its probably the first one....

Package starts: Tuesday 3rd April 2012 and runs for 4-weeks.
Class times: Tuesdays at 8pm, Fridays at 6am, Sundays at 12pm.
Available places: 8 people per course.
Cost: £150 (book before the end of February for our early bird price of £130)

We want to keep the number of people on the course low so we can give everyone our full attention. So 8 places are going to go fast! However, we are well prepared for the fact that we are going to get a lot of interest in this and so will run additional packages either following the completion of  this one or alongside it at different class times. Please get in touch to find out more information.

For further info take a look here at the other Paleo challenges we have run at the gym and you will see the incredible results that our members have seen. Yes it takes hard work and a certain level of commitment but if you are really prepared to make a change its amazing what can be done in just 30 days. We aren't trying to sell you a wonder cure that will have you prancing around in your bikini or speedos like a supermodel in just 4 weeks but we can guarantee that if you stick to the programme and our advice you will definitely feel stronger, leaner and fitter than perhaps you have in a long time. A drop of 2-6% body fat and 2-3in off of your waist and hip measurements is definitely achievable if you really want it.


CrossFit Connect is the fastest growing strength and conditioning facility in Brighton and Hove. Based near Hove seafront it brings top class coaching and personal training to individuals and small groups. Using the CrossFit methodology our instructors teach high intensity, constantly varied functional movements that have been proven to deliver results to a wide range of people from athletes to grandparents. You don’t have to be fit to start; you just need to have the desire to change!

For more information please get in touch using the email or phone numbers on the right of this page.
Are you ready to change?!

A short promo video from our facility in Hove.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

CrossFit Ladies Class

One of the new things we have added to our sexy new timetable shake-up is a Ladies only class on Tuesdays at 7pm. We felt that it would be nice to offer a class in the evenings to some of our female members who don't necessarily want to be all out firebreathers, handstand press upping and throwing 100kg around like it was driftwood! (Although i know we have a few that fit right into that category too!)

We have already got two 9.30am classes on a Wednesday and Friday that cater primarily to mums who have dropped their kids off to school but we thought an option of an evening class would be good too.

Last night was our first class and there was a good turn out. It seems that they may well prove to be popular.

First up was our focus on Deadlifts and it was 5 sets of 5 reps. Four of the class reaching new personal bests at this rep range. (We religiously get our members to track their workouts so they can see exactly how it is that they are getting stronger and fitter. As a motivational tool, nothing works better!)

For the WOD (a CrossFit acronym for Workout Of The Day) they partnered up and in pairs with 15 minutes on the clock completed:

50 x push press (15/20/30kg)
50 x sit ups
50 x kettlebell swings
50 x press ups

After this and in the remaining time it was as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) of:

100m Run
15 x burpees.

The reps and rounds could be split up in anyway the pair decided as long as they got them all done.

Its great to team up for WODs at the box as you really feel you have to give it your best effort because of your partner! There is no slacking off! :)

Everyone did really well and felt as though they had certainly worked hard by the time they had finished. Although the main workout only lasted 15 minutes, the intensity and movements you do with CrossFit get you fitter and stronger than other workouts that may last an hour.

Well done to Jane and her daughter Lottie who came out on top with the most rounds.

The lovely thigh stretch against the wall to finish.
If you would like more information on CrossFit and why so many people worldwide are seeing such great changes in fitness and strength then take a look at our website here.

CrossFit Connect is going from strength to strength (excuse the pun) as more people get to hear about us and realise that we aren't just another gym. We provide professional individual coaching and guidance every single session at a cost that is less than most regular gyms. Throw into the mix advice on eating right and Paleo nutrition from our own in-house Paleo chef and you really do get the complete package. (Results from our last few Paleo challenges can be seen on this here on this blog or with a quick search).

There is a great blog that can be read here - Raising The Bar - about women in CrossFit and what it means to start lifting weights and doing pull ups and other such things that women traditionally stay away from. It really is a good read. You will change your perception of what you should be doing to get strong and healthy and surprise yourself too at just what you can achieve if you put your mind to it.

For any other questions drop us an email or give us a call using the info to the right. You can also have a quick look at what we get up to by watching our short video below.