Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Competition Time! - Neils Blog - Part 3

Hello to you all again.

What a fantastic few weeks we have had!

Firstly, I took part in my first CrossFit competition outside of Connect on Saturday 26th April at CrossFit Kent and Sussex. Now you can ask anyone who knows me but I am not a very outgoing or confident person. I am much happier blending in and definitely don't like to be the centre of attention.

I know, I know. 'So why did you enter a competition then…?'

Good question. Well, I had done a couple of in-house comps at Connect and loved them, so when the chance came along to enter a different one it all seemed like a good idea. That was until it came around!

Everything I had ever done before: half marathon, triathlon etc, nobody takes any notice of you (unless you’re finishing last and they are waiting to pick the cones up behind you!) so you can still blend in to the crowd. But CrossFit's different. People are watching you, cheering you, looking at your technique and checking out your form.

The Farley family and a few other familiar faces from Connect
watch the opening rounds of the competition.

For me, this adds more pressure as I am not only representing myself but Connect too.

I was scared stiff. It was one thing to compete in front of the people I train with but the thought of competing against people from other CrossFit boxes was truly daunting. However, the coaches at Connect give you a greater sense of belief in your own abilities and you feel that you want to push your own boundaries further and further, hence why I entered.

The competition was broken down into three WOD's (workout of the day) and you were scored on the amount of reps you did or the weight that you lifted. There was a cut after the third WOD to keep the top places and then a final fourth WOD. I'll give you an example of a WOD. The first one was a seven minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) of 4 x 10m sprints and 5 burpees.

Once I started the adrenalin took over and I managed to finish in second place overall in the scaled category and I also managed a PB (Personal Best) in one of the lifts during the third WOD. Not bad for 41yr old! It was a fantastic experience and without the backing of the coaches at Connect I would never have done as well as I did.

Neil hitting a clean & jerk.
I wasn't the only one competing from Connect. Joey came third in the scaled division and the other competitors taking part on the day were Sean (13th), Dean (9th), Imi, Barney, and Emma (2nd) who all took part in the RX category and did amazingly well.

On the wider front I’m not the only one entering things from the Farley family. Madi has signed up for the 'Teen Challenge'. This is not run by Connect but is an online challenge. Every month I have to submit a video of Madi completing that month’s challenge. This month it is a maximum height box jump. So from a standing start Madi ‘Zebedee’ Farley has to jump as high as she can onto a box. (Update – Madi managed to score a 35” box jump on this!)

One of the many classes that Connect offers is an Olympic lifting class and my wife Sarah has recently committed to this class. It covers the two lifts lifts that you may have seen on TV at the Olympic Games: the Snatch and the Clean & Jerk. These are run by Connect Olympic lifting guru Holly. She is one of the owners of Connect and also an Olympic weightlifting champion in her own right.

Both Joey (right) and Neil in action from Connect at the East Kent Throwdown
Although Sarah has only been going for a few weeks the progress she has made is amazing, getting PB after PB. She has also now got her first strict unassisted pull-up which just shows how much stronger she has become over the past six months. I know she sometimes doesn't feel like she is progressing but it’s milestones like this that show she is. I’m very proud of her.

Sarah has gone from CrossFit widow to the one who probably trains the most in a week (and is the grumpiest when she can’t!).  And I’m not even going to mention that she now wants a pair of weightlifting shoes! Although I will just point out that  when I got mine she said they were, and I quote, ‘A complete waste of money!’

There are a few more things I wanted to tell you all about but I'll leave those for the next installment.

Thanks for reading!

*All photos courtesy of RX Photography