Our Olympic Lifting class have been going through a 10
week programme and we are currently on week seven. After five or so weeks of build
up we are now at a pretty heavy part of the programme. There have already been
some great results and progressions and I am very excited to see how everyone has done by the
end of the 10 weeks.
This brings me on to how and when we are going to test our
I would like to run the test session at the end of the programme in
the format of a mini competition. This will mean that we will have two
platforms running; one for female lifters and one for male lifters. Each lifter
will have three attempts to lift their heaviest Snatch and three attempts at
the Clean & Jerk. One lifter will be on the platform at a time on a rising bar. This means that the bar will be set up at the lightest opening weight and the
weight on the bar will then keep going up as lifters choose their weights. The
weight on the bar can NOT be decreased. All lifters will have 30 mins to warm
up to their start weights and must submit their start weights and bodyweight to
me at the beginning of the session.
As the last week of the programme is just before Xmas we are going to be running the competition on Monday 16th December from 7pm - 9pm. Then
everyone can enjoy their Christmas knowing they can Snatch and C&J like
This competition is open to all of our members. However due
to the time available we can only have 20 lifters in total. If you would like to get involved
please put your name on the board at the box.
We are also running this as an open evening at Connect. This is a
good opportunity for people to come along and see the box, meet the coaches and learn what it is that is making Connect so popular. There is no need to book a space, just turn up during the evening where you can speak to us about CrossFit or Olympic lifting and learn how you can get involved.
Olympic Lifting is growing rapidly in popularity and we are now the biggest place in the South East where you can get into this sport. We have well qualified and experienced coaches and are happy to teach anybody the lifts from complete beginners upwards. We have four dedicated lifting platforms and a large range of Olympic barbells and bumper plates.
With the help of British Weightlifting we are developing Connect into a hub of South East talent and will be offering more and more opportunities to get involved over the next few months. Keep an eye on our Facebook page and this blog for future details.
Good luck Guys and Girls!
Take a look at Coach Holly performing an instructional video of the two Olympic Lifts on our YouTube channel here.