Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Christmas Opening Times

Hey gang...........

We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Well done for all your fitness achievements in 2012 and lets hope 2013 can be even more special for you.

Please take note of our Christmas opening times, we dont want you turning up to the box when we aren't around!

Christmas Eve - 10.30am WOD class only. (But a large capacity class will mean you will all fit in. Possibility of mince pies post WOD too!
Christmas Day - CLOSED
Boxing Day      - CLOSED
December 27th - CLOSED
December 28th - Normal timetable
December 29th - Normal timetable 
December 30th - Normal timetable 
New Years Eve - Normal classes up to and including 1pm class.
New Years Day - CLOSED
January 2nd onwards - Normal Timetable

And of course, dont forget our Christmas Party taking place this Saturday 22nd Dec at The Noble House pub. All money (£10 per head) needs to be in by Wednesday please so we can confirm numbers. It will be buffet and mulled wine with perhaps some champagne supplied by Connect! 

Thanks you all so much for being part of the box this year and making it such a great place to train, hang out and work! We hope you can look back in your diaries and see how much progress you have made in the last 12 months.

Have a great Christmas and New Year everyone and heres to an exciting 2013 at Reebok CrossFit Connect.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Lost Photos!

I have recently just signed up for Google + and boy do i wish i hadn't!!

In deleting some photo albums on Google + that i didn't want public Google has now also deleted all of these photos permanently from this blog page too!! So instead of nice images of CrossFit and our events over the last  2 years we now just have a big minus sign and a missing photo! :( Massively not happy.

It seems that im not the only one this has happened too and it doesn't seem like there is a cure until i go back through every post and re-upload them.

So for the time being apologies for the lack of photos....I'll try to re-upload as many as i can in the near future........................

Monday, 19 November 2012


Firstly, well done to everyone that took part in the last Paleo Challenge. It takes some getting used to when you are changing habits especially when it comes to eating habits. The hardest part is getting over the first week and then sticking with it, so well done for being determined to see it through.

And so to our winners......... This time we have a winning couple!

Donna and Sean Beale
They both did a fantastic job of being strict and sticking with it and it paid off. Sean managed to lose 4kg in 30 days and Donna reduced her body fat by 4%, outstanding results for just 30 days of strict paleo.
A massive well done to both of you, I know there were times when it was tough.

Hopefully this 30 days has given everyone a good understanding of how paleo can work well not only for reducing weight but it's health benefits as well. If you are still struggling for meal ideas there are plenty of blogs and websites with great suggestion, have a look for the FB group Paleo UK, a very active group where people post questions and ideas.

If you have just joined us and missed the last challenge we will be running the next one just after the Christmas holidays but you can always pick up a copy of PLAN P at the box for £15, if you are keen to get started.

Well done again everyone and happy eating.

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Divided We Fall 2012...its nearly here!

The largest team CrossFit competition ever to hit Europe is being held this weekend - 3/4th November 2012 in Swansea, Wales. With 110 teams of 6 people (2 ladies, 4 men) and approximately 1500 spectators the event, being backed by Reebok, is going to be amazing!

Divided We Fall has been growing in stature over the last few years and is the brainchild of the guys at Reebok CrossFit Velocity. Each year as the interest in CrossFit grows and grows the event grows with it and this year is sure to be the best yet. Check out the video below for highlights of last years event.

This year the entire event is being held at a separate sports venue, The LC2 in Swansea docks, rather  than at CrossFit Velocity itself just so the organisers can accommodate so many people.

The weekend will kick off at 9am Saturday morning and is likely to consist of 3 WODs (or Workouts of the Day) spread throughout the day. At the end of the first day the teams will be cut with the top 50 teams making it through to day 2.

A similar format will be followed on Sunday but this time there will be a cut after every WOD taking the teams down to 30, 20 and then 10 for the final which will take place sometime around 4pm.

DWF have released the movements that will be required for each athlete to be competent at and they have raised a few eyebrows with burpee pistol squats, bar muscle ups and even a stand up paddle boarding event. The boundaries of what a competitive CrossFitter can be expected to perform these days is growing all the time. Its going to make for some exciting viewing!

Reebok CrossFit Connect have two teams taking part in the event and it will be a lot of our athletes first time in a CrossFit competition. Attending and competing in an event like this is an eye opening experience when you get to compete against very high levels of athletes. Sometimes you can forget that there are in the region of 10,000 other CrossFitters in the UK when you just attend your own box all the time. The community is massive and growing bigger all the time and its an event like this that makes you realise just how damn fun CrossFit is! And just how damn good some of these people are!

The Connect team at the qualifiers for this years DWF competition

I really dont know how our teams are going to fare in the competition as we are still a fairly young box but id like to think that we would at least make it into the Sunday! :) The more we compete the better we will get though and taking part in an event like this can really light a fire under your training intensity when you get back home.

We will be posting regular Facebook and Twitter updates throughout the weekend so give us a follow if you haven't done already and keep track of the action.

If it looks like something you would like to be part of then give us a call or email using the details on this blog or check out our website. We'll arrange a time for you to come down and meet us and get involved. We run Intro courses at the beginning of each month so get your name down for the next one! :)

Good luck to all our members who are representing the box at the games. Whatever happens we will be proud of all of you and feel honoured to have coached you into a position where you can compete at events like these. Next up in November comes the qualifiers for The London Throwdown! No rest time guys! ;)

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

'Run Free' - Running Workshop at Connect

CrossFit Connect will be hosting a 'Run Free - Running Workshop'.

As people are starting to plan their training schedules for the Marathon and Brighton Half or any other run for that matter, we thought this workshop would be very useful to help you stay injury free or to obtain that personal best. Whether you are new to running or have been running for years this course could help to put you on the path to improved, injury -free running.

What will it cover?

* Assessment and video playback of running posture, technique and footfall – and how this could be affecting your running

* The Anatomy of movement – we will look at the biomechanics of running and with simple tests assess each runner’s strengths and weaknesses.

* Building on this we will look at running specific conditioning and stability work, including work for the all-important feet.

* Pulling all this together, we will once more head outdoors with some work on cadence using metronomes and more.

* Foam Rolling and Yoga for Runners – the workshop will finish with techniques on how to use The Grid correctly and yoga postures which will not only help prevent injury but could improve performance by improving range of movement.

The workshop will be a mix of practical and theory, with drills, exercises and assessments.

You will not be required to run far, nor be super speedy. It is suitable for ALL levels of runner.

November 17th 12.30-4.30pm
Course cost - £50
Only 12 spaces available

Rachael Woolston is a running coach and qualified yoga teacher. A former 400m runner, she now competes in half marathons, marathons and endurance adventure races all over the world.

To book email

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

The 10 Things That Happen When You Start CrossFit

I have just read a really great blog about one individuals start on his CrossFit journey.

Joshua Brown lives in New York and after years of getting out of shape decided to join a CrossFit box. These are his experiences so far and just what you can expect from joining a CrossFit community:

Joshuas blog can be read directly here: 
Please visit his site directly but I have reproduced the text about CrossFit below in blue:

This week marks three months since I began the most intense workout regimen of my entire life, CrossFit.
What led to me beginning CrossFit was a realization that, if left to my own devices, I would never push myself hard enough to truly make the changes I needed to in order to get in shape. Occasional jogs and going through the chest-and-biceps motions of a traditional gym simply weren't going to get it done. I also knew that there was no shot that I'd be able to stick to a diet if it didn't coincide with something more offensive, like physical training of some sort that demanded I take in more nutrients and less garbage.
And so on July 21st, at 258 pounds and sick of seeing my giant moon-face on TV everyday, I walked into theCrossFit Lighthouse in Wantagh, Long Island and submitted to a long-overdue comeuppance. I marched my Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man-frame into a firefight I wasn't truly prepared for. It's 90 days later and I still have a long way to go to get back to the old me. But I'm happy to report that for the first time in years I feel like I'm back in control and can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Every day I get closer.
For those who are thinking about trying CrossFit and rewriting their own futures, below are the first ten things that will happen.
1. You will find out how truly out of shape you are. It is likely that your first few sessions at a CrossFit gym will consist of stretching and basic instruction. You will likely sweat like a pig and require numerous breaks to catch your breath even during this relatively easy phase. This is because you are engaging and stretching muscles that have been dormant for years. You will also be sucking at the air for every molecule of oxygen you can get. It will be a week or two before your lungs are really open, prepare to gasp like a newborn taking its very first breath.
2. You will realize how fat you and other regular people are compared to real athletes. This is because your certified instructors will have the physiques of comic book superheroes. You will weigh 40% more than them but they will be somewhere between 50 and 150% stronger than you. It will make no sense that such "little" guys and girls are that much more powerful than you; it'll be rather disorienting, especially if you're a big guy like me who thought he was "strong" walking in. The instructors are not huge or freakishly jacked like traditional body builders, but I wouldn't want to bet against them in any contests of strength. The idea is to be able to lift heavy weights but in as efficient a manner as possible, and then to be able to run a mile while the old school body builder huffs and puffs behind you. And you, big guy, are not strong. You are fat and incidentally may be able to lift some weight up. You will learn about real strength very soon.

3. You will begin learning the lingo and using it without feeling like a dork:
·         W.O.D (or WOD): Workout of the Day, this is the combination of exercises, prescribed weights and time allotment that will be the law of the land from the first class to the last. Typically a WOD will consist of one gymnastic move (pull-ups, ring rows, sit-ups etc), one aspect of cardio (rowing, running, jumping rope etc) and one Olympic power-lifting maneuver (back squats, clean & jerks, dead lifts, push-presses etc).
·         RX: When one does the prescribed amount of weight and reps, one is said to have RX'd (as in, he or she followed the prescription).
·         Box: CrossFit centers are not called gyms, they're called "boxes" and many of them resemble just that. Typically they'll be in warehouse-like spaces with cement walls, exposed rafters criss-crossing the ceiling and nought but a black mat covering the length of the floors. There are no smoothie bars or aerobics studios in one's peripheral vision, just the iron bar you'll hang from, the weights you'll thrust up above your head and the ground you'll drip your perspiration and occasional tears into until you feel as though you've become a part of the place. This is your box. There are thousands of CrossFit boxes across the country, but this one is yours.

4. Your friends and family will start Googling the term CrossFit and giving you warnings. "Oh, you're doing that Cross thing, I think I just read something about that..."  They will come across a rare disorder wherein people push themselves past the exhaustion point until their muscle fibers begin to break down and slip through the bloodstream into their kidneys. They will also come across stories about injuries and the like associated with CrossFit search terms. The reality is that these types of injuries can and do occur with any kind of training if taken too far and under the wrong type of supervision. You are equally likely to be injured while ice skating, lifting weights alone, horseback riding, surfing or doing any other type of strenuous activity if you are engaging recklessly and not taking the proper precautions. I would also note that there is an ongoing fear-mongering campaign being waged by the traditional fitness clubs and gyms. They see the proliferation of the CrossFit movement across the country as a massive threat to their membership rolls. There is no possible way that a guy doing his usual leisurely circuit around the same 12 or 15 machines in a gym is ever going to get the intensity of a workout at a CrossFit box.

5. You will get insanely good at counting. Everything in CrossFit is about reps. 20 clean & jerks followed by 10 box-jumps topped off with 30 sit-ups, then repeat five times and compete for time. Think about the counting, the counting down, the mental division of large quantities of reps into small, more manageable-seeming blocks. "Okay, let me get five more then take a breath and then just three more and then only two sets left until I'm three fifth's of the way through the five rounds." This is the kind of conversation you're carrying on with yourself in the heat of the W.O.D. and you'll become very proficient at counting backward as well - "seven more...six, five more, c'mon, four..." Whatever it takes to get you through.

6. You'll begin to respect endurance and stamina. When you're a kid, your idea of strength revolves around how much one can lift, what someone's arms and chest look like, etc. If you haven't yet grown out of this idea, you will upon beginning CrossFit. You will begin to be much more amazed at things like quad strength and lower back strength. You'll be blown away by the ability of others to do hundreds of airsquats or hold various static positions (holding one's body in a plank six inches above the ground or half-squatting with one's back against the wall, with thighs perpendicular to the ground and a 20-pound medicine ball pressed to one's chest. When you can barely get through 30 seconds in these positions but you see someone hold them for 4 to 6 minutes, all of your ideas about what being strong means will be out the window.

7. You will gain weight at first. The most frustrating part of my first month at CrossFit was the weight gain. Simply stated, because you are using muscles that have been out of the game for years, you will be building those muscles rather rapidly, and muscle weighs more than fat. So while you will definitely be shedding water weight puffiness and sweating like you've been on a scavenger hunt in a rainforest, the scale will be ticking up not down. This will drive you f***ing crazy. And then, all of a sudden, you will hit that tipping point where the muscle you've been adding is burning enough calories each night to have you start to drop pounds. Then you'll start to see your clothes fit better and your face shrink. All downhill from here provided you keep going.

8. You'll notice an uptick in energy, even when you're dead sore from CrossFitting. This new-found energy bounce comes from the fact that you're dragging less fat around with you all day and you're breathing easier. You're putting less wear and tear on your cardiovascular and pulmonary systems and the dividend is you can keep up with your kids and accomplish more each day. The confidence and happiness that comes along with this is self-explanatory. Wait til you see the little and unexpected ways in which these peripheral benefits creep into your daily routine at home and at work!

9. You will learn about your mental weakness. My box, the CrossFit Lighthouse, posts the Workout of the Day on their website each morning. Three weeks in, once I had learned all the various exercises, I found myself hitting up the site and deciding based on what the W.O.D. was whether or not I was going to attend that day. One day I logged on and saw that there were 3 sets of 20 burpees included, which immediately triggered an inner dialog that went something like this: "I just did burpees on Tuesday and I'm still sore, maybe tonight will be my rest night and I'll go tomorrow and Friday instead." I realized that I was picking and choosing the workouts like they were on an a la carte menu, "I'll do this but I'm skipping that because my ankle is acting up." Once I realized this about myself, I stopped going to the site. I learned what a bitch I could be, and then I learned to deny myself the opportunity going forward. This is one example of many revelatory moments that have allowed me to get to know myself much better and make the appropriate adjustments.

10. You will learn a lot about your mental toughness. You will find that you barely knew yourself at all before beginning this adventure. That you didn't have a clue about what really made you tick, your own elemental motivations and desires. In the heat of battle, when your head is soaked in sweat and there is nothing but the clanging of metal and the grunting of others around you, you will reach inside of yourself and go to that next level. When you realize that you are 80% of the way through a particularly punishing workout, you will dig deep and find what you need to get through to the other side. It's there, and maybe you haven't had to access it in years -decades - but when you finally god. There is an apotheosis underway. And on the other side of an experience like that (or a series of them), you are a lot less hesitant to step into the breach. You have gained a knowledge (or in some cases, a remembrance) of yourself and what you're capable of. I pity the person, in life or in business, who dares to face off against you once this has taken place. It won't be fair to them in the least.
In my first three months of CrossFit, I came to grips with who I truly was, how out of shape I had let myself become and what kind of impact a steady and compounding list of physical achievements could have on my daily life. Now I find myself fleeing from the city after work each day at top speed just to make it back in time for a class. I find myself declining virtually every opportunity to drink at happy hours and eat lavish dinners and the like. Anyone who knows me will tell you how out of character all of this is.
But I've found a new addiction, something that both takes everything from me - physically, emotionally and mentally - and then gives me back even more than I had before. I'm hooked, and now all I want to do is keep getting better at it.
For more information on how to get involved in one of the fastest growing communities on the planet take a look at our website or give us a call. Our next CrossFit Intro course starts on Monday 29th October.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Recent Goings On @ The Box

Lots of things have been going on at the box recently including new Intro Courses, team qualifying days for the upcoming Divided We Fall games, birthday WODs, new cameras and visits to see the inaugural CrossFit Invitational at the Excel centre in London where a USA team took on a Europe team in a head to head competition.

I have lots of photos kicking around so just thought i would post a few. Enjoy.....

Ross overseeing the rowing.

Stretching at sunset

Coach Holly taking Olympic lifting class

Coach Dave ensuring a neat whiteboard!

Owner of the new camera...
Push press mid-WOD.
Intro Course Push Press smiles.
Twighlight 30/30 rowing.
Teaching the press.
Intro Course Press
Divided We Fall Team Qualifying WODs. - Sunday 6th October

Snatch WOD done.

Its all you need for a days WODing.

Double under/Thruster ladder.

Full extension on those KB swings.

Finishing off the chipper.
Handstand Press ups.
Holly box jumps.
No more, please...
Muscle ups and rope climb skill tests.
More muscle ups and rope climbs!

Group shot.
The First CrossFit Invitational @ The Excel Centre, London
Saturday 13th October

The set up.

Team Europe in blue and USA in red.

Team Europe including 2012 CrossFit games winner Annie Thorissdottir.

2012 CrossFit games winner Rich Froning Jr banging out the muscle ups.

And thought you might like to see these!
First day of CrossFit Connect back in February 2011.

For anymore information about becoming involved with CrossFit please see our website.

The three amigos.
The first handstand.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Brand New Intro Course at Connect

As of October we are redesigning the way we run our Intro Courses at the box.

Currently we hold one or two Intro Courses a month for a 3 hour period on the weekends and we have done so since we opened. However, we feel that there can be a bit of information overload during these sessions so would like to enhance the experience for our beginners starting on their CrossFit journey.

The Intro Course will now consist of 8 one-hour sessions held on a Monday and Wednesday from 7-8pm for four weeks.

This will allow us to impart a greater knowledge of all things CrossFit to you, give you more time to practice and feel comfortable with the foundational CrossFit movements, slowly ramp up the workout intensity and also to gauge your current level of fitness by having you complete a few of the classic 'Benchmark' workouts (or WODs).

This will allow you to feel more comfortable in the box surroundings and with all the CrossFit jargon before throwing you into a regular WOD class with people that have been coming to us for a while (not that they bite or anything!!).

The cost of the course will remain exactly the same at £80.

After completing the course with us you can then sign up to a regular membership and book into the regular timetabled WOD classes.

CrossFit is growing hugely in the UK and as we get an influx of people wanting to train with us we feel this will offer the best level of coaching, safety guidance and enjoyment to any potential new members.

We are starting this new course on Monday 1st October and it will hold a maximum of 8 people.
A new course will start at the beginning of each month.

If you have any questions or would like to get yourself booked onto the course then give us a ring or drop us an email using the information on this blog or on our website here.

If you feel as though you really cant make these times then we can still arrange an alternative for you. Give us a call or come down to the box and we can discuss some options with you.

Thursday, 30 August 2012

South Island Showdown 2012 - East Sussex Team Competition

Team East Sussex

On Sunday August 26th 2012 Reebok CrossFit Connect teamed up with CrossFit Hove for a county CrossFit competition.

Hosted by CrossFit Bournemouth the event was designed to bring the south of England CrossFit community together and also to team up boxes within each county.

With teams of 12 (7 boys and 5 girls) chosen from qualifying WODs between our two boxes we took a great team down to Bournemouth for a very fun day of socialising and WODing. The sun was even out for us   as we spent the first half of the day on the beach before heading back to CrossFit Bournemouths new box for an afternoon of lifting heavy stuff!

With a team of 12 it was important to select the right individuals for each event based on their strengths. And it worked out that we all got to do 3 or 4 WODs each across the course of the day.

The WODs

1) Team Carry Relay. 4 x 50m firemans carry where every team member has to carry someone else during their run.

2) Hit The Surf. Four team members have to complete 100x mountain climbers, 100x squats, 100x sit ups and 100x burpees with everyone sprinting down to the sea and becoming fully submerged between each exercise.

3) Skill WOD. Two team members performed a 10 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) of 5 x handstand push ups, 10x over and unders, 15x double unders taking it in alternate rounds.

4) 3 Person Carry. Three girls then three boys have to perform 50x simultaneous squats whilst holding the third person. Then a 50m firemans carry. Then 50x simultaneous walking lunges whilst carrying the third person. Then another 50m firemans carry. Girls go first, then boys with an 8 minute timecap.

Back to the box for lunch.

5) Clean & Hold. The team has 20 minutes for everyone to establish a 1 rep max in the Clean. Then straight afterwards 8 minutes to find a max length L-sit hold from the bar. Total weight and total time combined give the score.

6) Shoulder to Overheads. With 10 minutes on the clock four boys had to score as many reps of shoulder to overhead presses as possible with 60kg on the bar.

7) Big Balls. Three girls had 10 minutes on the clock to get as many medicine ball cleans as possible. One member of the team ran 400m whilst the other two performed the cleans swapping round each 400m.

8) Team Liz. Six boys and three girls had to complete two rounds of 200x hang cleans (60kg/40kg) and 200x ring dips as fast as possible.

Team East Sussex getting to the beach.

Prepping for the seriously tricky WOD 4!

George carrying Jamie during WOD 1

Jamie returning the favour to Lina!
And Barney carrying Jamie D.

The L-sit hold event.

So as you can see it was a fairly full on day!

It was a great opportunity for some of our newer members to see what a CrossFit competition is like. When you have only trained and been into one box it is sometimes hard to imagine the scale of CrossFit now in the UK and meeting up with so many other like-minded people really hits home just how big CrossFit is becoming in this country.

Team East Sussex managed to finish a very respectable 4th place. Whilst you would always like to do better (unless you end up coming 1st!) the standard of athlete now competing in CrossFit is very high and all we could do was give our absolute best which everyone did. It is inspiring to see other people training so hard and it gives you a boost to get back to the box and look forward to the next competition (which incidentally is in November at the Divided We Fall Games).

Holly building up to her max weight Clean
Growling like a gorilla!

Barneys turn in WOD 6

Matt bangs out 20 reps with ease!

Team captain Dave tries to get them to listen!! ;)

I now know how those 400x ring dips make your triceps feel!

Thank you to Martyn at CrossFit Bournemouth and David Millings for arranging the event. It really was a great day and a cracking first attempt at organising a South coast comp. Thank you also to all our supporters who had an early start to their Sunday and came down to cheer us on. Much appreciated and i hope you had fun.

And lastly well done to all the team members! It was a pleasure sharing the fun and sweat with you all. Till the next time........................